1. General Provisions

1.1. This Privacy Policy describes how Domini Este SIA (hereinafter also referred to as the “Data Controller”) collects, processes, and stores personal data obtained from customers and individuals who visit (hereinafter also referred to as the “Data Subject” or “You”).

1.2. Personal data shall mean any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, i.e., Data Subject. Processing shall mean any activity related to personal data, such as acquisition, recording, modification, use, viewing, deletion or destruction.

1.3. The Data Controller shall comply with the data processing principles outlined in the legislation and confirm that personal data are processed in accordance with the applicable legislation.

2. Obtaining, Processing and Storing of Personal Data

2.1. The Data Controller shall collect, process, and store personally identifiable information primarily through the online store website and email.

2.2. By visiting and using the services provided by the online store, you agree that any information you provide shall be used and managed in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

2.3. The Data Subject shall be responsible for ensuring that the personal data provided are correct, accurate, and complete. Knowingly providing false information shall be considered a violation of our Privacy Policy. The Data Subject shall immediately notify the Data Controller of any changes to the personal data provided.

2.4. The Data Controller shall not be liable for damages suffered by the Data Subject or third parties as a result of incorrectly provided personal data.

3. Processing of Personal Data of the Client

3.1. The Data Controller may process the following personal data:

3.1.1. Name, surname;
3.1.2. Date of birth;
3.1.3. Contact information (e-mail address and/or telephone number);
3.1.4. Transaction data (purchased goods, delivery address, price, payment information, etc.);
3.1.5. Any other information provided to us in the course of purchasing services and goods offered by the site or contacting us.

3.2. In addition to the above, the Data Controller shall have the right to use publicly accessible registers to verify the accuracy of the data submitted.

3.3. The legal basis for processing personal data is Article 6, Paragraph 1 (a), (b), (c), and (f) of the General Data Protection Regulation:

a) Data Subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes;

b) processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the Data Subject is a party or in order to take steps at the request of the Data Subject prior to entering into a contract;

c) processing is necessary to fulfil a legal obligation applicable to the Controller;

f) processing is necessary to pursue the legitimate interests of the Controller or a third party, except for if the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the Data Subject which require the protection of personal data are more important than those interests, in particular where the Data Subject is a child.

3.4. The Data Controller shall retain and process the Data Subject’s personal data as long as at least one of the following criteria exists:

3.4.1. Personal data is necessary for the purposes for which it was received;
3.4.2. While the Data Controller and/or Data Subject can realize its legitimate interests (for example, to submit objections or file a claim) in accordance with the procedure prescribed by external legal acts;
3.4.3. As long as there is a legal obligation to keep the data, such as under the Accounting Law;
3.4.4. Consent given by the Data Subject for the relevant processing of personal data is in force, unless another legal basis for processing exists.

At the end of the circumstances referred to in this paragraph storage period, the Data Subject’s personal data retention period shall also end and all relevant personal data are permanently deleted from the computer systems and electronic and/or paper documents that contained the relevant personal data or such documents are anonymized.

3.5. To fulfil its obligations to you, the Data Controller may transfer your personal data to business partners, and data processors who perform the necessary data processing on our behalf, such as accountants, courier services, etc. The Data Processor is the controller of the personal data. Payment processing is provided by the Swedbank AS payment platform, therefore our company transfers the personal data necessary for the execution of payments to the owner of the platform, Swedbank AS.
Upon request, we may also transfer your personal data to state and law enforcement authorities in order to defend our legal interests in drafting, submitting, and defending legal requirements.

3.6. When processing and storing personal data, the Data Controller shall implement organizational and technical measures to ensure the protection of personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, alteration, disclosure, or any other unlawful processing.

4. Rights of the Data Subject

4.1. In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the laws of the Republic of Latvia, you have the right to:
4.1.1. Access your personal data, information about the processing of your personal data, a copy of your personal data in electronic format and the right to transfer these data to another controller (data portability);
4.1.2. Request the rectification of incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete personal data;
4.1.3. Delete your personal data (“to be forgotten”), except where required by law to keep the data;
4.1.4. To withdraw prior consent regarding the processing of their personal data;
4.1.5. Restrict the processing of your data - the right to request that we temporarily stop processing all your personal data;
4.1.6. Appeal to the Data State Inspectorate;

4.1.7. You can send a request to exercise your rights by post to SIA Domini Este, Pureņu iela 60, Ogre, Ogre Municipality, LV-5001, Latvia, or by sending the request electronically to [email protected].

5. Final Provisions

5.1. This privacy policy has been developed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) and the relevant laws of the Republic of Latvia and the European Union.

5.2. The Data Controller shall have the right to make changes or additions to the Privacy Policy at any time and without prior notice. The amendments shall enter into force upon their publication on the website

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